Eidetic images are neurologically
recorded in the brain and systematically
stored for future reference. 


What Is Eidetic Imagery?

Eidetic images are bright, lively pictures seen in the mind, much like a movie image or photograph. Extensive scientific research has found that these distinctive types of images are neurologically recorded in the brain and systematically stored for future reference. 

The process of uncovering them breaks down the habitual, knee-jerk reactions, thoughts, and attitudes that result in discordant solutions to life and work problems, by bringing forth empowered states of mind already encoded within one’s psyche. These special images allow access to one's authentic strengths, hidden capabilities and innate creativity. Always present, they need only be brought to the surface. Eidetic Imagery helps to unlock the intrinsic and most potent capabilities inherent in each person, helping to reveal current obstacles in a new light. This leads to the discovery of innovative solutions, deeper success in working relationships, and the enhanced ability to attain one’s goals.

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Eidetic images have been studied and researched at universities all over the world. These images are bright, lively pictures seen in the mind, much like a movie image or photograph. They are neurologically recorded in the brain and systematically stored for future reference. When recalled, the eidetic image can recreate a vivid experience of events and conflicts with drama, clarity, and detail. Through the process of eidetic imaging, unresolved issues can be revealed and their underlying causes identified.This results in difficulties being viewed with greater insight, and the solutions to problems become clear.

Eidetic imaging is a fast-moving technique that accesses problem areas and generates change by using precise tools that promote insight and growth. It provides access to inner strengths and resources that can resolve troublesome issues and helps restore confidence, innate strength and a person’s general well-being. Recalling eidetic images reveals the developmental and social conditioning that inhibits the expression of our “light” or essential nature, and replaces them with potent images that contain the vibrancy and depth of our original and essential nature.



Jaqueline Sussman, M.S., LPC


Jackie is an author, speaker, seminar leader, executive coach and one of the foremost practitioners of Eidetic Imagery Psychology. She has worked individually with people worldwide, trained top level government officials, health care providers, CEOs of Fortune 500 companies and leaders in organizations such as Nike, UN Women, Google, Eileen Fisher, Mattel, Coach, Zappos, Coursera, and Women Executives in State Government, professional athletes and has lectured at various universities. She is the author of two books, Freedom from Failure and Images of Desire and has been a monthly writer for Total Health Magazine, as well as having been published in numerous magazines. 

For over 35 years, Jackie has been committed to helping people embody their authentic innermost gifts and strengths, as the path to both inner well-being and outward success.  

For more information contact: Jackie@inner.vision